Admixture 1.5 % max
Color Yellow normal
Moisture 14 % max
Broken kernels <5 % max
Rotten Kernels < 0.1 % max
Aflatoxin 20 PPB max
Protein 8 % min
Discolored <1 % max
Foreign Materials 0.5 % max
Damaged Grains 1.5% max
Test Weight -68kg/HI
TDK 5 % max
Small Orders Accepted
Key Specifications/ Special Features:
Soybean Meal
Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient...
We are looking for new customers in Europe for one-time and long-term deliveries. Delivery is possible.
For high-quality and productive communication, you need an application indicating the desired product, quantity, basis and terms of delivery, price and payment offer.
The following grain...