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Condensed Milk ProductionLine

Condensed Milk ProductionLine
Condensed Milk ProductionLine - photo 1
Renewed: 11 August 2023, 08:51 ID: 1559658
Price on request
Flagma member since 6 September 2018
Ftp Engineering
project Manager


We offer technology of production of condensed milk method
recovery of powdered milk and mixing with sugar for creating a
supersaturated solution without the need evaporate excess
amount of moisture. That unic technology has been developed by
Normit's specialists in the 1990s. This technology allows you to get
the finished product, corresponding to quality standards, using the
minimum expenditure of energy and time. Normit has all the
necessary laboratory equipment for the production of condensed
milk using various recipes, including a vacuum crystallizer. Any
kinds of technological support can be provided to the customer for
working out new recipes. Normit EcoMilk line allows, in addition to
condensed milk, also made various creams, pastes and pastry

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Works by Flagma since 6 September 2018
Ftp Engineering
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FTP ENGINEERING, S.R.O. Ftp Engineering, Project Manager
Condensed Milk ProductionLine
Price on request ID: 1559658
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